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Mike Lynch
1 min read
Watch Out For That Tailstock Center!
Many turning centers, commonly called universal style turning centers, have the ability to do chucking work, bar work, and shaft work....
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
The safe approach procedure
As you know, CNC machines have extremely fast motion rates. When you're verifying a program (new or proven programs), you also know that...
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
The right way to activate a program in production
Setup people who get a machine ready to run production know that just about anything can happen the first time they execute a program. If...
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
Understand Your Turning Center's Chuck Clamping Direction Selection
Almost all current-model CNC turning center that are equipped with three-jaw chucks have a way to select clamping direction. An inward...
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Mike Lynch
3 min read
Understand spindle speed limiting on turning centers
Today’s CNC turning centers allow very fast spindle speeds. It is not uncommon for a machine having an eight inch diameter hydraulic...
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Mike Lynch
1 min read
How well do you maintain your hydraulic chucks?
Hydraulic chucks are very common workholding devices – especially on CNC turning centers. They provide a tremendous mechanical advantage....
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
How machine maintenance affects safety
The primary reason companies perform preventive maintenance on their production equipment is to minimize, if not eliminate, unpredicted...
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
When not to use a dwell command!
As you know, G04 is used to specify a dwell – or pause – in your CNC program’s execution. With Fanuc controls, the format for the dwell...
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Mike Lynch
1 min read
How much safety training do you provide?
Most companies assume quite a bit of their employees when it comes to safety issues. They assume their employees know how to stay safe in...
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
Eliminate horse-play and practical jokes
Given the list of ten commandments presented earlier in this issue of The Optional Stop, this commandment should rank near the top: “Thou...
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Mike Lynch
1 min read
Do you still use air hoses for cleaning parts?
When I first started working in shops (I won’t mention how long ago), it was customary for each machine operator to have an air hose....
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Mike Lynch
1 min read
Where’s the closest first-aid kit?
You probably have many safety-related items placed in various locations around the shop – fire extinguishers, respirators, first aid...
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
Testing if the correct fixture offset is instated
In order for the cutting tool to move to the correct coordinates, the program zero point (program origin) must be properly instated....
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Mike Lynch
1 min read
Make all sizing adjustments with offsets
One of my cardinal rules is that all sizing adjustments should be done with offsets. However, I do – from time to time – see operators...
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
A custom macro A program to safely check and position a cutoff tool
by George Bahn About 10 years ago we purchased a couple of Tsugami’s SX20 sliding-headstock machines. These machines require 2 programs...
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
Watch out for that G28 command!
As you know, the G28 command is used to send the machine to its zero return position. At the completion of a G28, the machine will be at...
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Mike Lynch
1 min read
Does your machining center have an air-blow system for the spindle?
Most machining centers have an air blowing system within the spindle. During an automatic tool change, air will be blown from inside the...
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
Watch out for block delete applications
As you know, block delete can be used to give the operator a choice between two conditions. The operator is told to turn the block delete...
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Mike Lynch
1 min read
Limiting wear offset amount
Submitted by Suhas L. More of Macro CNC Solutions If an operator makes a mistake with an offset entry, the results can be disastrous....
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Mike Lynch
2 min read
Eliminate distractions that cause lapses in attention
Setting up and running CNC machine tools requires setup people and operators to focus on the tasks at hand. A high degree of...
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